360 degrees of wellness and fitness
360 degrees of wellness and fitness  

360 Tips and Tricks: Devin and Gina's fun and interesting exercises, thoughts and insights on everything healthy.

Monday, December 21, 2009

People often ask me what the heck I do at bootcamp. I think they are thinking GI Jane and someone yelling at them all the time.

I'm not a yeller. I didn't like being yelled at when I played sports and I don't like to yell at anyone else. I'm more a a cheerer. But even so, bootcamp is tough.

I'm a big believer in constant motion and using a lot of bodyweight exercises, so at bootcamp you can expect to do lots of different exercises back to back. Say something like pushups for 30 secs, squats for 30 secs, and then a sprint would be one set. Usually I repeat that 3-6 times depending on the night.

And bootcamp is never the same. I don't like being bored when I workout and I don't like to do the same things at bootcamp night after night either. Every bootcamp is different, but it's all hard. :)

And now the biggest question... can I keep up? Of course you can!

I'm not saying it's easy at all. It's freaking hard, but you can run at your own pace. Plus everything can be modified. I have people who go who are super fit, to ones who are just starting out, and everything in between. If you think you can do it, you can!

So come try out a class. You'll be happy you did.


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