360 degrees of wellness and fitness
360 degrees of wellness and fitness  

360 Tips and Tricks: Devin and Gina's fun and interesting exercises, thoughts and insights on everything healthy.

Monday, February 22, 2010
Slow vs. Fast

Everyone wants to know if they should go fast or slow on their reps. I've heard a lot hyping one style of training over the other. Some people like Superslow Zone argue that super slow movements on machines will give you the best results.

Others like Crossfit will argue that the fast you go the better, no matter what the form looks like.

For me, I think it's best to have a good constant pace with form is important. Flying through something like Crossfit does is begging for injuries. You will get hurt if you do every rep as fast as you can possibly go. The jerk on the joints and muscles will cause an injury over time.

On the other hand going super slow on a machine does stress the muscle, but let's face some facts. No one moves that way and it doesn't get your heart rate up so you won't burn fat. It's not going to help you in your day to day life.

That where a happy medium comes into play. Keeping a brisk pace will allow you to move in a manner you will in everyday life. At the same time you'll be able to control the reps speed a little (not going as fast as you can) will allow the muscle to work better and have you feel the exercises more.

There will always be people on every side of an idea. Some people want to lift super heavy, some super light. Some super fast, and some super slow. When it gets down to it, these are mostly gimmicks to get you interested. Somewhere in the middle is best.

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