Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Core Strength for Runners
If you want to run and run well you need a strong core. All of your power comes from your core no matter what type of athlete you are. And with runners it's very important.
This is because runners with weak cores lean forward as they run. When they do that they can't take deep breaths since their stomach is crunched down. Of course they get more tired, go slower and don't get as good a workout.
But working on your core will make you a much better runner in no time. I'm not talking about doing hundreds of crunches either. Planks, crunches, situps, mountain climbers all should be part of a runner's core training. That way they get stronger and hit their core from many different angles.
So if you're a runner try to do some core work. You'll watch your times drop and you'll feel less tired even as you run farther and faster.
Monday, March 29, 2010
How Much Protein You Need and Why...
I know some people say that you get enough protein from your everyday diet.
This is true if every meal you eat has protein...but most of us don't eat that way.
I suggest a woman eat .5 grams of protein for every pound she weighs.
Men should aim for 1 gram per pound they weigh.
For example:
A whole chicken breast without skin has about 30 grams of protein. A can of tuna also averages 30 grams.
During our workouts our muscles breakdown. This is the catabolic phase. After a workout they begin to recover, called the anabolic phase. During the anabolic phase our muscles use the protein available in our body to rebuild and repair. One of the reasons we can get so sore is that we have not put enough of the right kind of protein in our body to allow the recovery process to happen the way nature intended.
Even though our muscles are made primarily of protein, our bodies need some help getting the muscles to accept the amino acids and move the recovery process along.
This is why protein is so important after a workout. It may be hard to eat a can of tuna on your way home from the gym, but a protein shake is simple, convenient and provides what your muscle needs.
I tell my clients to drink a protein shake within 30 minutes of their workout. You can mix the powder with water or milk. And there are tons of flavors to choose from!
When protein shopping make sure to let them know what your goals are and they can suggest one that's right for you.
Don't go crazy with protein either...too much is hard on your body. Find a balance that works for you and your lifestyle. A little more protein may just be what you need to make a big difference in your workouts.
Have fun!
Labels: lose weight exercise workout waist protein amounts post workout convenient weightloss gain
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Biggest Loser Week 10
Labels: biggest loser week 10
Friday, March 26, 2010
Go By Your Clothes
I know it sounds simple but it's true. A scale will lie to you. You can gain muscle, lose fat and be the same weight even though you're much smaller. But the scale will tell you nothing has changed.
In fact if you could weigh less and look the same, or weigh what you weigh now and look exactly like you want to look, no one would every choose less weight would they?
Body fat testing can work but calipers are pretty evasive. You have to have someone else grab your skin and pinch it. Not always something you want to do.
And body fat scale isn't great since just about anything can make them read wrong, including coffee, how much you've eaten, had to drink etc.
But your clothes won't lie to you. They are the same size they were two weeks ago and they will be the same size two weeks from now. So if you're exercising and your clothes are looser, you're going in the right direction. If you have to by new clothes so much the better. No matter what, they will always let you know where you are.
So don't get stressed over numbers. They are only a measuring stick and not a great one. Use your clothes or a measuring tape to see the real changes in your body.
Labels: fat pants clothes measure scale
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What's With Your Fat Burner Zone?
I know you've seen the charts on machines. Your fat burning zone, your cardio zone. Companies love to put that stuff on there. Of course it doesn't work like that.
You see your body burns calories of fat and carbs all the time, just at differing rates. When you're at about 50 percent of your max heart rate then you burn about 50 percent fat calories and 50 percent carb calories. As your heart rate increase (when you work harder) then you burn percentage wise less calories of fat and more of carbs. That's where the myth of fat burning zone comes from.
But it also breaks down too. If you workout in that "fat burning zone" for half an hour and much harder for half and hour, you will burn way more calories when you work harder. Sure percentage wise you might burn more carbs, but you will have burned so many more calories overall that you will burn many more fat calories working hard than going slower.
That's why it's best not to dog it. When you work out, bust your butt! You'll get in better cardio shape and you'll burn more fat too.
Labels: fat burning zone cardio exercise fat loss weight fitness
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sometimes Faster Is Better
I often tell people there are two ways to workout. Work slowly and take an hour, or put the hammer down and spend 20 minutes. The choice is up to you. But the 20 minute workout will burn a lot more fat.
That's because when you work hard and fast, with little breaks between sets you get the best of both worlds. You get all the positives of workout with weights or doing resistance training, along with the cardio aspect of working out.
When you workout like this you will feel like you're doing hard cardio. It's not an easy workout, but it will get you results and fast.
The best way to set up a workout like this is to pick four to six exercises which cover all the major muscles in the body and do them back to back with as few breaks as possible until the 20 minutes are up.
A good example would be pushups, squats, crunches, DB rows. These will cover most all the muscles in your body. Ten reps of each doesn't sound like much but it will tire you out in 20 minutes.
Give the 20 minute workout a try and see how you like it. It'll save you time and get you in great shape, all at once.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Biggest Loser Week 9
Labels: biggest loser workout week 9 leg blaster fitness exercise
Friday, March 19, 2010
Get Your Kids Out
When I was a kid I spent all my time outside. I didn't have a Wii or computer. We just went out and played all day long. But now it seems kids spend all their time inside playing video games.
Now I'm not a video game hater but I do think there can be problems from being inside too much. When there is a beautiful day and kids are indoors playing games, there's a problem. Those kids aren't moving. They aren't being healthy. They are sitting down using only their eyes and thumbs.
These same kids are going to grow up and have problems exercising or being healthy at all. They are going to be so used to sitting down in front of a TV or computer that they will not want to stop. They'll get jobs where they can sit all day. They'll gain weight, have health problems, get old fast.
But we all can fix that. Take some time to take your kids outside or at least send them out to play on their own. It sounds crazy since now no one wants their kids out of their eyesight, but we all grew up that way and we turned out alright.
Help your kids enjoy playing and having fun outside. It will help set them up to be healthy and happy adults.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Don't Get Stressed Out
Chill out!
People want changes to happen whenever they decide on something. We live in a world of wants now. There's not much in the way of waiting for anything anymore.
Expect with fitness.
You have to wait when it comes to fitness. That's because it takes time for things to change. If you're eating right, working out and sleeping, you'll get in better shape. But if you spend all your time thinking about it and stressing over it, you're going to slow down the process.
The reason is you're putting extra stress on you body by worrying. As you worry your body releases stress hormones which help you to hold onto fat.
That's right. The more stressed you are the fatter you'll get.
I had a client once who worried so much she gained fat! It was because of all the stress she was putting herself under all the time.
So you really have to chill out and not concentrate on losing weight or getting more fit. As long as you put in the time, and work, you'll get there.
Labels: stress exercise fitness health
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Biggest Loser Week 8
Cycling for Recovery
Now that I'm feeling better I am back to exercising. But I have a different approach.
It's going to sound strange, but right now I feel like honoring my mind and body.
I am trying to do things that allow me to work my muscles, and free my mind at the same time.
For me it's Yoga and Cycling. Both allow me to get great exercise and peace of mind.
I bought a Norco road bike two summers ago and have hardly used it. But now that the roads are clear and the sun is out, that bike calls my name every day! Since Monday I've biked over 50 kilometers.
I am teaching four yoga classes a week too. I've never felt better inside and out!
I will eventually work some weight training back into my life. Just not right now. Being sick has really changed my perspective. I'm not going to push my body into things that don't reward my spirit.
I want to do things that speak to my whole being. (I know it sounds corny)
My point is...I am doing things that make me feel complete and invite you to do the same.
Mix in some yoga, meditation, cycling, swimming...whatever speaks to you!
Namaste ;)
Labels: cycling exercise lose weight yoga spirit mind body legs quads hamstrings sick recover
Friday, March 12, 2010
Cross Training
Cross training has been a buzz phrase for a long time. It means doing other things outside you normal routine or sport so you get in better shape.
This is important for athletes and non athletes alike. When an athlete trains for a sport for a long time they get better at that sport, but often don't train all of the muscles they need. So they cross train. Everything from running in sand, doing jump training to yoga.
It's the same with the rest of us who are training to be fit. Doing the same thing again and again won't get you as far ahead as trying something new. You could run everyday, but once you start lifting weights, or doing a bootcamp your run times will get better. I had a client a few years ago who cut 22 minutes of his marathon time by weight lifting.
So try some new things. Everything from running to hiking. Weight training to yoga. Try a bunch, try them all. You'll be happy you did.
Labels: cross training fitness exercise speed run hike walk weights lift
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's Just That Simple
1. Get moving. You can't be fit if you sit around every day. You need to exercise or do something at least four days a week for at least 30 minutes each day.
And your heart rate HAS to get up! Going for a stroll won't cut it. Get moving and get sweating.
2. Eat better. Yeah that sounds like a no brainer but you'd be amazed how many clients workout so they can eat whatever they want. The bottom line for food is this; you have to sacrifice junk if you want to be in shape. Sounds tough but in every decision you make there is something you are choosing not to do.
If you are in a relationship then it's likely you sacrificed dating other people to be in it. Food is the same. If you want to be fit, you've got to break up with the junk.
3. Sleep at least seven hours a night, eight is better. Yeah you might miss your shows but you can PVR or TiVo those. Get to bed and sleep. You can't get in shape if you're tired all the time. It's too much stress on your body and when you're stressed you put on fat.
Those are the simple and honest three rules you have to follow to be fit and feel better. They really aren't that hard, and once you realize you can do them, there will be no looking back!
Labels: three rules fitness tivo pvr exercise sleep heart rate eat junk food
Monday, March 8, 2010
Bone Density and Weight Lifting
We all know that over time we are going to lose bone density. Osteoporosis is a real problem as people get older, to the point where a simple slip and fall can break a hip. But there is a way to help. Working out.
Basically anything physical is good for your bones. Walking and running are both good. But when it comes down to it, the best way to strengthen bones is to give them stress and impact.
This means that running is better for your bones than walking because it creates more stress one the bone. Lifting weights is also important. That's because it places stress on the bone through the load you lift.
Just like with any training more stress means your body will adapt. If you lift weights or run you'll be pushing your bones to get stronger. They wonn't have a choice.
And this goes for people who are over 70 as much as it does someone in their 20s. Impact exercise or weight lifting will strengthen bones for everyone. It doesn't matter how old or young you are.
So don't take a chance on breaking a hip. Workout and save your bones.
Labels: osteoporosis bones strength jog run exercise fitness
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Biggest Loser Week 7
Labels: biggest loser exercise homework squats crunches fat loss fitness
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Yummy Turkey Meatloaf
Glazed Turkey Meatloaf
1/4 c. bread crumbs
1/3 c. milk
1 egg, beaten
1 sm. onion, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp. thyme
2 tbsp. catsup
1/4 c. catsup
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. dry mustard
Try Something New
People like to be in a routine and sometimes that means the same exercise routine for months and months. They have a route they run and don't change it. They have exercises they do and they never change them.
The problem with that is that your body quickly adapts to those exercises and then you don't get in better shape.
This is because your body wants to get in good enough shape to be able to handle the stresses you put on it. When it gets there it stops. That's why you get sore from something new, but a few weeks later it doesn't seem like a big deal anymore. Your body had gotten in better shape and now it won't get any better.
The only way to break out of this is to change what you do. Change the number of reps, the weight or better yet all the exercises. Try a different class, or a different teacher which will give you something different to challenge you.
Do something just don't keep up with the same old thing. You'll be happy you did in the end as you get in better and better shape.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Nova Scotia Health Living
Just last year FINALLY Nova Scotia passed on the Health Living Tax Credits to adults. It is a program whereby parents can write off $500 for any child under 17 who are doing something physical. The idea is that the more healthy kids are, the more healthy they will be as adults, thus bringing down the costs of medical care.
In 2009 it was opened for adults too, which only made sense. If you want the kids to be healthy, why not have the adults enjoy the same incentives too? It just makes sense.
Or maybe not.
The Nova Scotia government has now frozen the incentive for adults. The government website said this;
"The expansion of the Healthy Living Tax Incentive to cover expenses for recreation registration for adults has been deferred for 2009. The program for young people, aged 17 and under, remains unchanged."
My question is, why the heck are we so backwards here? It's fairly common sense. If you want the medical bills to drop for everyone, help them to be more active and more healthy.
So, our very best and brightest political minds give the incentive and then take it back. Just when people started to realize it was there and actually started to use it. Are they reading the same newspaper reports as I am? Obesity rates are skyrocketing! What a brilliant time to cancel an incentive program that gives people a little extra motivation.
Come on people this is simple. We have too many health care bills, not enough health care professionals and an aging population. And your way to help this is to take away chances for people to get healthy? Wow... good thinking.
Labels: nova scotia health credit tax healthy living fitness halifax